San Diego Financial Literacy Center

Wave of the Future

Wave of the Future is SDFLC’s financial education program designed to further educate our next generation(K – 12 and including college) about the nuances of credit, debt, budgeting and how to become financially responsible adults. By preparing our youth population for their financial future via online tools, workbooks and digital resources, we are able to help shape the financial habits they will need to be successful. The utilization of interactive workshops, games and the introduction of real-life financial scenarios further prepare our youth to become and stay financially fit.

The Wave of the Future program topics include: Your Credit and You (consumer credit), Introduction to Credit and Lending, Creating a Spending Plan (budgeting), Introduction to Insurance and Introduction to Taxes. 

We have recognized the fact that most financial troubles begin at a young age. For that reason in the SDFLC launched also works with elementary and middle school aged children. 

Contact us for more information, to schedule a workshop or one on one consultation.

Current partners of the Wave of the Future program include: San Diego Community College District, San Diego Mesa College, Southwestern College, Palomar College Teaching and Learning Center, and many more.

Extra Credit

With our steady stream of fresh content the learning doesn’t have to stop when class is dismissed.

PRESENTATION TOPICS (Available in Person and Virtually) 

• Understanding credit

• Introduction to credit reports and scores

• Creating a plan (budgeting)


2023 totals:

•  53 Seminars and Events

• 1,638 Attendees

2023 Survey Totals. Participants where asked to rank the following on a scale from one to ten:

• The topic was relevant to my financial life: 9.1

• I felt the presenter was knowledgeable about the topic: 9.73

• The positive impact the presentation will have on my financial future: 9.15